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Showing posts from April, 2021

This app will leave you wondering why you have never heard of it.

The world is constantly evolving. For us, this means encountering new problems, objects, and challenges everyday. Although current mainstream technologies help us get a massive jump on these obstacles, using them can seem like a hassle because those interactions become extremely repetitive over time. We can probably all agree that opening up a browser and typing in your search query, or emailing yourself a large chunk of text are just outright frustrating experiences. Fortunately for us, there's a solution! The Google Lens app takes care of the above use cases and more, and we bet you have never heard of it before.   Image courtesy of Google LLC One of the most useful features of this app is projecting text scanned using the app, to your computer. This saves tons of time and headaches, allowing you to instantly bypass opening your email, setting yourself as the recipient and finally sending, only to open your email ...

An artist sold an NFT for $69 million, but what is NFT?

After years in " Crypto Winter ", cryptocurrency has once again taken the world by storm with coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum skyrocketing, creating sudden and extreme wealth for many individuals. Many of those who benefited from the recent boom, as well as many others that don't want to miss out on potential earnings, are now looking to diversify their holdings. Enter, NFTs. Interested In Cryptocurrency? Check out all related items on NETBOOKLET here . What is an NFT? Simply put, a non-fungible token (NFT) is some data stored on a blockchain, that certifies some transaction to be unique and the object of the transaction as authentic . Dollar bills, common stock shares and other commodities are all examples of fungible goods, as you can trade one for many others that are identical. Bear with us, it'll all start coming together soon. Now let's look at some examples of non-fungible goods Suppose Cristiano Ronaldo (CR7) wanted to sell a particular pair of ga...