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It's no secret. The Earth is suffering. This is made evident by the melting polar ice caps, more frequent storms, dramatic natural disasters, extinctions, and more. The more we wrap our collective heads around this threat, the more we realize how deeply rooted poor environmental practices are in our societies. It is clear that we cannot immediately solve this problem, but we must start trying. These 5 products will help you quell your own bad environmental practices, from note-taking on paper to the way you brush, and reduce your footprint.


WaterLily Turbine

Cooking, conversation, cleanliness, health, fitness ... the list goes on and on. Every aspect of our lives involves gadgets that require power. Living in cities, we can simply tap into the grid using wall outlets. What we don't see is how this electricity is produced. Yes, it is true that cities are working on using more efficient methods of producing energy, but we are a long ways from perfect. Why not get a jump start and take the matter into your own hands? Alongside providing emergency power off the grid, Waterlily is perfect for producing clean energy for all your electronics.

Click here to see more.

Notpla Ooho!

We've all heard of the plastic pandemic. Mass pollution, dying animals, and ill people are becoming commonplace due to the mismanagement of this wonder material. There is only one way we can ensure that our used plastic is recycled and/or disposed of correctly. By not using it. Sounds radical, I know, but we live in an exciting time that has presented us with alternatives to make this ambition a reality. Notpla Ooho! has got your liquids covered. Ditch those plastic water bottles for this all natural, edible replacement.

Click here to see more. 

Nebia by Moen 

Take long showers? It's no secret that showers use an incredible amount of water, but we're no strangers to coming home and taking a nice, warm, long shower to let off some steam after a long day. This is a problem, as many countries are expected to face water shortages as soon as 2025. Let's face it, we're always going to need to shower. So why not attack the problem at the root? The Nebia by Moen showerhead cuts water consumption in half, while providing increased coverage and an incredibly soothing shower experience.

Click here to see more. 

Rocketbook Core 

Have piles and piles of paper on your desktop? Notebooks that elude your tracking? Alongside the constant frustration of trying to find the correct information efficiently, you will probably soon begin to sense some guilt due to your visibly apparent negative environmental impact. Rocketbook Core provides a solution to both of these problems. With this reusable notebook you can upload your notes to the cloud and categorize them however you like, to find them quickly. Once it's filled up, simply wipe away and restart.

Click here to see more. 

BoieUSA Toothbrush

Ah, brushing. Simple, low impact routine, right? Wrong. Toothbrushes are as destructive to the environment as they are beneficial to your dental health. With a large percentage of the world using toothbrushes consistently and tossing them out after a set period of time, brushing is a huge contributing factor to the plastic pandemic. Yes, changing your brush head is necessary, but why ditch the rest of the toothbrush? The BoieUSA Toothbrush solves this problem by using a genius detachable brush head design. Simply swap out brush heads and continue using the same handle, while sleeping well knowing that you did your part for the planet.

Click here to see more.


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