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These 5 products will revolutionize your daily routine. Notetaking, photography, your sitting posture, battery consumption, and even your cellular plan will never be the same again, once you see this. The products you are about to see have the power to change your life.


ReMarkable Tablet

Tired of little notes overflowing all over your desk? Want to decrease your paper consumption and reduce your footprint? The ReMarkable Tablet is going to change the way you go about your work, art, and daily routine. It's like writing on paper, with cloud connectivity.

Click here to see more.


Air Pix

Selfie stick? Selfie drone. Air pix is testing the limits of personal photography. With brilliant technical capabilities at your fingertips, this amazing product is a no brainer for anyone that's passionated about taking pictures.

Click here to see more. Be Free Phone

A free phone and phone plan. In a world of rapidly increasing premiums on communication, nothing more needs to be said.

Click here to see more.


Upright Go

Bad posture doesn't just look bad, it is bad for your mental and physical health. If you are struggling with bad posture you may have come to know that it is much more difficult than just sitting straight. It is a constant subconscious battle between you and your body. As your mind wanders into whatever it is that you're doing, naturally, your body wins this battle. Get a little help from Upright Go, it'll remind you every time you begin to hunch over. Stick it to bad posture once and for all.

Click here to see more.


Pale Blue Smart Batteries

Batteries are something many of us don't think twice about. We use them to power a majority of our electronics, and once they're done, we toss them out. Unfortunately, batteries generally generate power via toxic substances, and as our personal handling of batteries is extended across the world's population it ends up being pretty toxic for the planet. Pale Blue Smart Batteries will give you approximately 1000 cycles for 1 cell. That means you'll save a ton of money and the planet, too.

Click here to see more. 


At NETBOOKLET, we believe that a great product should be allowed to make its mark on the world. We're here to help merchants, manufacturers, designers, and anyone else who builds cool things showcase their products so that you, the reader, are easily able to connect with products that you'll love. To see more, head on over to  


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