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5 Innovative Products That Will Help You Power Through The Pandemic


No matter who you are, this pandemic has challenged, molded, and thrown obstacles at you that you would not even have had a thought about as recently as 10 months ago. If you're like any of us at NETBOOKLET, the greatest challenge has been shifting your mentality about turning your home into your workplace. You may have already discovered many tricks for making home-work life more bearable, or maybe you're even enjoying it now. Nonetheless, we've curated a list that'll make being at home all day just a little bit more enjoyable.

Arcadeo Haptic Gaming Chair

Your chair should never be the limiting factor of your productivity. Ever experience random headaches or extreme fatigue out of the blue? It's easy to miss it, but it's likely that your chair is the root cause. This chair, also featured in our Gaming blog here, is a high quality piece of work, and chairs aren't something you should cost-cut on (trust us, we've learned the hard way). It'll even help you enjoy the media you're consuming during your breaks, in a very visceral way. Now, it seems like you two are a perfect match. 

As work hours get longer and more strenuous, put a stop to your screaming behind and unleash your mind.

Click here to see more.

Flyte Lyfe

Tired of walking into your home and getting whacked with an underwhelming feeling? Seeing the same old decorations bringing you down? Are your 4 walls starting to feel like they're getting closer and closer together? Try something radical. This levitating plant will rejuvenate the joyful and curious spirit that you embodied just a year ago. 

Click here to see more.

WonderDream Diffuser

Look, it's normal for humans to have dark days. Days where we just can't muster the strength to operate at our best, and others where we just feel uninspired. Since it's so normal, we have solutions to the problem. To motivate yourself, it's important to be inspired by your surroundings. This is exactly what a diffuser can introduce to your life. A breath of fresh, beautifully scented air formulated using oils designed to have a calming presence. WonderDream's Diffuser is built to get you in your zone and give your space character with its good looks.

Click here to see more.

Tooletries Harvey & Oliver Set

People are messy, and being at home constantly you're probably realizing this more with each passing day. The number one place for excessive clutter is the bathroom. The Harvey & Oliver Set is designed to bring organization to your shower. We all know that an organized shower leads to clarity of thought while you stand in the warm water for over an hour, helping you better understand what the heck you're going to eat after.

Click here to see more.

Auto Magnetic Mug

Clumsy and/or have way too many responsibilities in the morning? Are you an avid coffee drinker? Take 1 daily task off your hands, literally. This auto magnetic mug will stir your coffee for you, so your hands are free to get on with whatever else it is that you need to do.

Click here to see more.


**Bonus** Bring It Canvas Print

Lastly, we know how hard it is to keep it together in our current circumstance. We're all in it together, and we've found that having motivating artwork around the house is very helpful. This canvas print is one of many motivating works that we genuinely hope will pick you up when you're feeling down.

Click here to see more.


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