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Showing posts from May, 2021

This worrying trend will be a leading cause of death in future generations.

There is an invisible enemy among us. It has been called the greatest public health challenge of our time, yet the knowledge of this topic remains limited and is not widespread. For all of human history, we’ve managed to live in harmony with microbes, but now they pose a great threat to our existence. If not for a timely change in our behavior, antimicrobial resistance may be the cause of our undoing.   Jump to What is a microbe Why we use antimicrobials What is antimicrobial/antibacterial resistance Who does it affect Antimicrobials are being abused Health impact so far What you can do to help Hopes for the future Conclusion What is a microbe Microbes are microscopic organisms such as bacteria and fungi. They are genetically predisposed to reacting differently in varying conditions, like humans! Most of these tiny organisms are harmless to us, but some can cause infectious diseases. Why we use antimicrobials Antimicrobials are used to treat infectious diseases caused by microbes. The

You will thank yourself for making this one change.

I am sure that everybody who is reading this article has been told at least once in their life to sit up straight, but have you ever actually considered the importance of it? We often spend hours at a time looking down at our phones and slouching in our desks, subconsciously aware that our posture isn't correct, but not ever putting the effort in to change anything about it. Sure a little lump in the back of your neck is off-putting, but is it really that big of a deal? Who really notices something like that anyways, and can’t it be fixed with just a little stretching anyways? In this article we are here to answer these common types of questions, and discuss some posture-correcting products that might be worth investing in. The Consequences of Bad Posture While bad posture may visually bring some obvious consequences, there are many other less obvious consequences that may arise as well such as fatigue, dysfunctional muscle coordination, compromised joints, ligaments, and arthritis

Is the Covid-19 Vaccine Dangerous?

At last, the COVID-19 vaccine has arrived; the beloved cure we have all been waiting for. Finally, we can get back to backyard BBQ’s just in time for summer and not worry the people that were seen coughing earlier in the night. But wait a second, how do we know this vaccine is actually going to keep our bodies immune from the virus anyways, and is there any truth to that facebook post claiming that the vaccine is a “covert government experiment”? So many questions and so many different opinions can be overwhelming. That’s why we're here to break it all down for you in this article (or at least try to). The Science A good place to start is breaking down exactly what these scientists are injecting into our bodies, and whether or not it’s going to mutate our DNA and turn us into the hulk. (spoiler alert: sadly no). In simple terms, the covid-19 vaccine uses messenger RNA (MRNA); a newly developed technology to teach our bodies how to combat the virus. While some of you may be worried