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You will thank yourself for making this one change.

I am sure that everybody who is reading this article has been told at least once in their life to sit up straight, but have you ever actually considered the importance of it? We often spend hours at a time looking down at our phones and slouching in our desks, subconsciously aware that our posture isn't correct, but not ever putting the effort in to change anything about it. Sure a little lump in the back of your neck is off-putting, but is it really that big of a deal? Who really notices something like that anyways, and can’t it be fixed with just a little stretching anyways? In this article we are here to answer these common types of questions, and discuss some posture-correcting products that might be worth investing in.

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The Consequences of Bad Posture

While bad posture may visually bring some obvious consequences, there are many other less obvious consequences that may arise as well such as fatigue, dysfunctional muscle coordination, compromised joints, ligaments, and arthritis. In fact many individuals who do have bad posture, often face these types of symptoms without even realizing it is their posture that is causing it. Especially those who spend long periods of time sitting down and staring at the computer all day due to their jobs or schooling (which is the large majority), may often face these consequences the most. For example, a study conducted in 2015 found that individuals who spend 4-6 hours a day sitting down, experienced the most neck, shoulder and back pain. However, what is worthy of noting is that after just four weeks of actively working on their posture, the participants in this study found significant results in not only their pain levels, but balance and relaxation as well. This proves that taking the time and effort to correct your posture could change your life much more significantly than you may have thought. If you want to get started on this journey towards a happier and healthier lifestyle, we encourage you to check out some of the products below to help guide you towards better posture.


Spinedeck Stretcher

Number one on the list, is the Spindeck Stretcher which targets back pain and posture effortlessly. After a long day of sitting on the computer, this product is the perfect place to rest and release any soreness you may have developed throughout the day. Simply lie down facing up onto the Spindeck Stretcher, and allow gravity to do its magic by realigning your spine, decompressing your vertebrae, increasing your blood circulation and stretching out your muscles. Over 100,000 individuals in 2020 alone have found this product to be useful, so there's no reason why it couldn't also bring relief to you. Click here to see more.

Theragun Prime

Next up on our list is great for those of you who can't afford a weekly massage to reduce the soreness. The Theragun is the perfect after-work tool to soothe muscle pain, with multiple levels of intensity to fit anybody’s personal needs. Some of the benefits you can get out of using this product, include improved circulation and muscle recovery, reduced muscle tension, and of course relaxation. So in other words, the Thereagun Prime is definitely a standout product to bring relief to sore muscles quickly and with minimal efforts. Additionally, it's quiet, long lasting, and even comes with an app to help guide you with a variety of courses for different muscle groups. Click here to see more.

Upright Go 2

For those of you who constantly find yourself “forgetting” to sit up straight, you may want to pay close attention to this product. This product acts to be your own personal trainer by making you do the work, only it is with you at every hour of your working day (sounds like a nightmare but we promise it's not!). The way it works is by tracking your posture, and vibrating to remind you to sit up each time you slouch down. Not only will it give you real time feedback, but it will also show progress reports so you can track your changes over time. If you aren't already convinced of the potential in this brilliant device, then it might be worth noting that 86% of users have improved their posture using this product, and 54% found reductions in back pain. Click here to see more.

Pocket Monkii

Last on our list is perhaps the most simple solution but also one of the most effective, being exercise. While many of us would much rather prefer a quick and effortless fix, the reality is that exercise can fix bad posture in the long-run like nothing else. This is because by strengthening the muscles involved in keeping good posture (core and several back muscles) it allows us to maintain good posture for longer periods of time. The good news however, is that with the Pocket Monkii you can exercise without having to convince yourself to drive yourself to a gym, because you'll have everything you need in the comfort of your own home. This product is the perfect total body training kit, allowing you to perform exercises for each and every muscle group. Not only is it small enough to fit in your pocket, but it also has its own app allowing you to learn how to do exercises for your targeted muscle group. Click here to see more.

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