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The Ultimate Back to School Shopping Guide

School is just around the corner, bringing with it the pressure and responsibility to perform, but also the opportunity to make lots of positive memories. Having been students, we decided to curate a list of products that would help ease any student's life and shift their focus from the pressures to the positive experiences.

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Back to School Banner | St. Joseph's Parish

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Efficient Organization

We know a student's living space can be a pretty tight, and messy place. The following few products help in maintaining organization without sacrificing any of the already limited space. 

Ottoman Pouf

This piece of furniture epitomizes efficient storage. Put whatever you need into it, throw the top cushion back on and enjoy another spot to sit. We love multi-functional pieces because they do wonders for tight spaces.


Hanging Planter

These are a great addition to any home but dorms and small apartments, in particular, can benefit from hanging planters greatly. Having plants in the home has a positive effect on your mood, so bring all the greenery you want into your place without it contending for floor space.


Hub Mirror

This one's a no-brainer. Full length mirrors are essential for perfecting your fit from head-to-toe. This one will also hold your clothes while you make all those complex clothing decisions.


Underbed Storage

Are you guilty of throwing stuff all over your place when you're busy and stressed? You definitely wouldn't be alone. In an ideal world everything would get put back in its place every time, but we don't live in a perfect world, so why don't you just sweep it under the bed? Underbed storage is an extremely efficient way to reduce the clutter in your space. Just get around to organizing it eventually, alright?

Floating Shelf

These are great for really two purposes. The first is, with a bit of effort, they can become beautiful decorations that add a spark to your living quarters. The second being a nice, temporary home for all the clutter that would be laying around your floor and desk space otherwise. Floating shelves are a great addition to your place because they take only a small portion of your wall while making a meaningful contribution to its organization and cleanliness.



Alternative: Couch Console


When you live a fast-paced life, things will get misplaced. It's just a fact. Tile helps you mark your valuables so that you can easily track them down if they ever got lost. Say Hasta la Vista to ever losing your keys again. This is a great addition to your arsenal to reduce future headaches.


Lap Desk

Desk aren't always accessible, and even when they are they're typically not very comfortable. They also take a lot of space. A lap desk is a great way to maintain comfort while getting work done and eliminating the need for any additional floor space. We recommend picking up a lap desk whether or not you have the space for a desk, as it will add longevity to your productivity.



Alternative: SmartDesk



These little guys are a little known trick that make a great impact. Don't have the space to mount a TV? Just pick a gap in the wall and point a projector at it. Not only does it do the job of a television at a fraction of the cost, it's also a cool conversation piece and addition to anyone's living space. The one we've linked even comes with a projector screen that sits flat on the wall.



Alternative: Prima Projector

For Productivity

These products are what we believe to be essential to a student's arsenal. They enable maximum productivity and minimize frustration.

A Good Chair

Chairs are the most underrated, and arguably most important tool a student has. Sit on the wrong one and it can have detrimental effects on your performance and health, both physical and mental. Grabbing a good chair is absolutely crucial to reaching your full potential, and we cannot stress enough how important it is to not cut corners when it comes to picking your chair.



Alternative: Arcadeo Haptic Gaming Chair


Water, Water, Water!

Water is absolutely essential for basic function, and particularly when dealing with a high workload. Keep a good water bottle nearby at all times and keep yourself fueled!



Alternative: HidrateSparkSelf-cleaning BottleSmart Bottle


Data Storage

Students generate lots of digital data. If you spent 7 hours working on your lab report, you fully expect to be able to turn it in. Having a data storage device handy is a great technique for backing up your data and giving your work some protection. It's also a nice way to keep your past work available for a long period of time. Physical devices also have the advantages of being completely secure; just remember not to share them! We've linked two flash drives below, one for devices with USB-C ports and the other for conventional USB ports.




If your workload involves any sort of cursor movement consider picking up a mouse. It will boost your efficiency and ease your wrist immediately. Grab a wireless one for the added benefit of maintaining a clean workspace.




Using a single screen can cause frustration as students find that they have two many windows and tabs to flip through. This means more interaction with the keyboard and mouse -- more work. Monitors are an invaluable tool to make more information visible simultaneously, reducing your workload and frustration. They can also double as TVs!



Alternative: 4k UHD MonitorRetro TV Phone Holder



As classroom technology and classes become more advanced, it becomes increasingly attractive to ditch the old pen and paper for a more 21st century alternative. Tablets are great because they allow for easy storage of your documents, as well as easy access and editing of other materials such as lecture slides.


Alternative: Rocketbook, ReMarkable



Students are much more than mindless textbook drones, they are human beings as well. The following products will serve as a reminder that to go fast you need to be able to put on the brakes as well.

Fitness Tracker

One of the greatest forms of stress relief is exercise. Working out jolts the reward centers of the brain, increasing motivation and hope, as well as improving your mood. We acknowledge that as a student it can be tough to develop a workout regime, so a fitness tracker is a great tool in the kit to push you into a healthy routine.



Alternative: Powerwatch

Gaming Rig

Coming back to the idea of slowing down being essential to moving fast, we've added the Nintendo Switch to the list. This classic gaming console is great for pulling together a group of friends and taking a break from the high pace and pressures of the semester.

Sleep Earbuds

Being a student is tough enough. Throwing troubles sleeping into the mix is a recipe for disaster. These earbuds block out noise and can play soothing sounds. They are light and comfortable, ensuring a good night's sleep.



Alternatives: SilentMode PowerMask

Posture Trainer

Stop the slouch! Bad posture has a negative effect on your physical AND mental health. Posture trainers are useful for anyone that feels unable to overcome their poor posture.



Alternative: Habit BreakerBack Decompressor


From the team at NETBOOKLET, we wish you or the student(s) in your life, a phenomenal school year. The student life can be a tough, dark time/place, but there's always light at the end of the tunnel. We hope you learn a lot and create some great memories!

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